Saturday, January 12, 2013

It has been awhile....

Well it has been awhile sense my last post... over 9 months to be exact! The last post was announcing we were expecting a baby. Well in the 9 months we found out that our bundle of joy was a girl and then we ended up having that baby girl. :) Hannah Marie was born November 16, 2012 she was 7 lbs. 9 oz 20.5 in long and we couldn't be more in love with her. Camden has been absolutely AMAZING with her!!! I am so impressed it is unbelievable how great he is with her which is awesome for me because i had my doubts and i was so worried. He is always willing to help in any way he can whether it is getting her binkie to throwing away diapers to climbing the side of the crib to ask her if she is okay and then running to get myself or Orin and saying "Hannah needs you now mom, come on." Camden has grown so much in the 2 short months Hannah has been here with us and i could not be any prouder. We had started telling Camden a few months before Hannah arrived that he was going to be a big brother and he was going to need to help protect her and i didn't think that it was really making any sense too him but boy could i be any more wrong. He has even become protective of kids that are smaller than he is. I had the biggest "Proud momma" moment ever a few days ago. We went up to Logan with Orin and while he was at school I went and had lunch with a friend and we went to Chic-fa-la so Camden could run around and play and we could catch up while chatting Camden was playing with some boys that were possibly 2 to 3 years older than he was which was completely fine. Than another little boy came in and he was 1 to 2 years younger than Camden and was extremely shy, he just stood in the corner. When this little boy got the courage to leave the corner and go play with some of the things on the wall the older boys pushed him out of the way. At this point Camden was just sitting on the stairs watching what was happening, now Camden i will openly admit is not always the nice one he can sometimes follow the crowd instead of being a leader. So i am sitting there thinking this is going to go 1 of 2 ways and i am really hoping that it doesn't go the way i think it is. All of a sudden Camden stands up walks over to these boys gets in between them and screams at the top of his lungs "That is not nice!" and he has his hands on his hips. From him screaming that the parents of these boys look and see what is happening and goes in there and drags their son's out of there. Camden then looks at the little boy and motions for him to come with him, the little boy just stands there. After about 3 or 4 tries Camden just looks at me through the window and shrugs his shoulders and has this discouraged look on his face, and he walks off and goes and climbs the play thing and comes down the slid. He motions for the little boy to follow him and finally this little boy starts to follow him. Anyway one thing leads to another and Camden helps this little boy climb all 4 stairs to the top and helps him over to the slid and gets him to go down. Pretty soon this man approaches me and says "Is that your son in there?" i told him yes it is, and he proceeds to tell me "Thank you so much for raising a little boy that will stand up for other." my eyes began to feel with tears as this man continues to tell me that he has been bringing his little boy to play places for over a year now and no matter how hard he tries he can never get him to leave the corner let alone go up the play place and down the slid. This mans eyes began feeling with tears as he told me how grateful he was for my little boy and that he was able to get his son to go up and then come down the slid not once but multiple times. After thanking me again he went and sat back down, when it came time to go because i had to go pick up Orin from school this little boy did not want my son to leave he keep trying to get him to go back inside to play it was the cutest darn thing i had ever seen and i could not have been prouder of my son in that moment!! Anyways that was my proud momma moment and i just had to share it. I will try to be better about updating the blog but i can't promise anything :)

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