Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Exciting News!!!!

Well it's about time i make another post. So back in January Orin and I decided that we were gonna leave adding to our family up to Heavenly Father and we began trying, the doctor told me that my First 3 months after having my IUD (inter-uterine device) removed where going to be my most fertile and most likely times to conceive a baby. Well my 3 month mark started coming up fast and i began to worry and give up all hope of adding to our family. But then something happen i became 2 weeks late. In those 2 weeks i had taken countless pregnancy tests having 1 positive and about 3 negative. Becoming discouraged I started thinking well maybe my 3 months came a little earlier. The doctor said i could simply just stop ovulating and that was it. So after praying and praying and praying on Saturday March 17th i woke up at 4 am and had this feeling to just go take a test no matter the outcome so i did and i could not believe my eyes i was silently freaking out in the bathroom so that i wouldn't wake my sleeping 2 year old in the room down the hall. I ran into the bedroom and woke my husband up and made him come look at it so that i didn't think i was crazy it was faint but it was there. The hard part was waiting seeing as how it was a Sunday i couldn't call the doctor cause they aren't in the office so i had to wait.

  So Sunday came and went SLOWLY at least for me. So Monday morning i could hardly wait to call the doctor's office i was up at 6 am with the hubby to send him off to school and i usually can go back to sleep for at least an hour til Camden wakes up but not this time. This time i was wired so right at 9 am i called the doctor's office. I am about 6 weeks along and i go in on the 3rd of April. I can hardly wait!!!!! Camden seems to be pretty excited around the end of the year last year Camden was always asking me and orin "Where's baby momma" or he would grab us by our hands and take us into his room and point to the crib that has been taken apart for months and say "Baby" as he shrugs his shoulders and holds his hands like he has lost something. It has just been too cute. He has had a hard time because he like to play rough with mom and that generally means kicking his legs and i use to take a lot of hits to the tummy but we tried to explain it too him the best we could (seeing as how he is 2 years old) that he has to be soft with mommy's tummy that he has to be careful. So he will come up to me and rub my tummy and say soft and we will say ya soft good job and he smiles and runs off so proud.

 So that is the exciting news we got this week. And we couldn't be happier right now. Now if only April 3rd could get here faster i would be even happier :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Busy Week

Well this week has been one of the busiest of my life i think. On Tuesday me, the hubby, my mom-in-law, sister, bro-in-law and his 3 kids, my nephew, and my little guy all went to the Living planet aquarium in Sandy. It is an amazing place i loved it and the kids loved it, we all loved the Penguins there was 1 Penguin who was being a show off for us diving into the water and swimming in a circle and then diving further into the water and jumping out and then doing it all over again. We stood there for about 15-20 minutes laughing and giggling at this one penguin. After we were done at the Aquarium we all went out to get ice cream/frozen yogurt. Once we were done there my brother-in-law took his kiddos home and we headed to Ikea, we figured well we are at this end Ikea is just a few minutes away why not, so we did. We got scrub brushes (cause they have these amazing scrub brushes for dishes and they are only a dollar) and we got more kid plates, cups, and silverware so know when all the kiddos and grandkids come over we have enough for them to have their own. so that was tuesday for ya and tomorrow we are headed to the Zoo all of us again, only this time my other sis-in-law and her other baby will be able to come with us and we are gonna have lunch at the zoo. and then sometime this weekend we are gonna paint the house. This is our mastermind plan of keeping my mother-in-law busy and her mind off of being away from her hubby, he left for Afghanistan at the beginning of this month this is the first time she will be away from her hubby for longer then 6 weeks. So that is my week :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Well we are finally on Blogspot.com wahoo, and when i say we i probably mean just me (Dani) cause Orin probably wont  get on here EVER lol. Anyways i figured i would make the first blog about us, so you can get to know us 3. 

We met in high school, dated through-out our last year in high school. We got married in September of 2008. A lot of people (mostly our friends) said we were doing things to fast and doing them all the wrong ways, but for us we didn't and we wouldn't change a thing.Once we got our first year of marriage under our belts we added to our little family in October of 2009 Camden Max was born and it was one of the best moments ever. In March of 2010 we made another big decision and life-altering change, we moved to Kentucky. Which is such a change from Utah we stayed there not quite a year a few months shy of a year, we decided that Kentucky was just not for us, so we came back to Utah. Sense being back Orin started going to Utah State (yes he commutes) he is getting his A&P license, which he says is fancy talk for an Airplane Mechanic, its a 4 to 5 year college degree. Meanwhile i have been going to the Ogden-Weber technology College and getting my Medical Transcription so i can work from home. Camden is an energetic, loving 2 year old toddler. He keeps us VERY busy i love him to DEATH!!! He plays with almost anything you will give him although he does have his moments. 

As far as adding to our family due to some medical conditions through-out my life Camden was our miracle baby, so we are leaving things up to our loving heavenly father, if its meant to be it will happen. Our religion plays a BIG part in our life and if people have a problem with that, that's fine, if you can't put it behind you then the friendship isn't worth it. 

So that's us :) i look forward to this blogging experience it will be a whole new experience for me and i look forward to sharing it with all of you :)